This door jamb bracket is designed to cover any existing holes on the length of the door once the door locks have been changed or moved. Having such gaps in the door frame could allow access for thieves or vandals, compromising the security of a building, especially if space or hole is on an exterior door. Additionally, these gaps diminish the aesthetic appearance of a building and imply a lack of upkeep, which can be detrimental to business. This bracket compensates for and corrects these problems. offers a comprehensive product range to control the movement of entry/exit point doors. Building owners need to be able to strike a balance between opening security, safety, and durability at a cost that meets business objectives. products are designed to meet the most common installation and application requirements in the commercial marketplace. These products exceed the needs of customers who value reliable door control products, excellent service, and prompt delivery.
Dimensions: 3 5/8 inches L x 1 1/4 inches W